Monday, May 01, 2006

Actual Roller coaster ride started

Term1 started from today. (Term1-> 1st May to 11th June). The subjects for term1 are as follows:-

1. Financial Accounting inDecision making-FADM
2. Marketing management=MKTG
3. Statistical methods for Management Decisions-SMMD
4. Managerial Economics-MGEC

We just have 2 classes per day (2hrs per class). But we have lot of pre-reads and post reads for each subject. The total schedule for term1 is given like number of assignmets to be done, deadlines for submitting the assignments etc.

Today we had acctng and Marketing classes. Day started with accounting class. Accounting class is not that interesting. Marketing class is very good as there was some case discussion about FedEx. Asim Ansari (Columbia Prof) is very good. Just to break the ice he started the class with a small joke.

An intelligent CEO of one company wanted to know about his staff and he slowly visits each department one by one.

First he visits the engineering department and asks " what is 2+2"? Then the immediate answer from the engineering dept was 4.000000. CEO feels Woww, 6 decimals. Perfect.

Then he moves to marketing department and asks the same question. Then he gets the answer "2+2 is 4. But if we make it to 3.99 then we can get more value". CEO gets impressed.

Then he moves to human resources team and asks the same question. He gets the answer "Sir, actually it is 4. but with good team work we can make it to 5".

Finally he moves to accouting department and poses the same question. U know what happened? Ne guesses?????

Ok Ok i will tell. Don't stretch. Accounting manager immediately closes the door and asks the CEO "Which number you want me to keep?" :-D :-D

While discussing the FedEx case, class participation is marvelous. Few of my section student's friends themseleves were working in FedEx and they have lot of inside data apart from the case. Ofcourse prof didn't allow the inside data, as we are supposed to go with the data provided.

After the case discussion, adverisement effects and all, we got to see the actual ads by FedEx. There was one hilarious ad by FedEx. You can check out that ad in the following link:

Yesterday someone was saying that the answer to FedEx case was 43!!!!! I just got shocked and ran into my quad and checked the book to verify whether i missed anything in my analysis. That was real shocking? How can anyone can come up with a solution for a case. Its a case, not the math problem to work out.

But after listening to two classes, what I could make out is-attending any class without pre-read is mere waste and in turn it will lead us to confusion. Hope I finish all the pre-reads before attending any class.

PS: Take the ad in a positive sense.


Anonymous said...

what book you are using for

Statistical methods for Management Decisions-SMMD

please give details

Anu said...

We are supposed to follow the below books:

1. Basic Business statistics by Stine and waterman
2. Business Analysis using Regression by Stine and Waterman.

But I hardly read from the above books except the cases. I prepare from the additional material provided by our faculty.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ms. Anu,

I tried accessing the ad, but it is requesting for a username n password. Can you provide them if it isn't much of a problem?


Anonymous said...

Hi Ms. Anu,

I tried accessing the url, but it is requesting for a username n password. If it isn't much of a problem, can you send the login n password?


Anu said...

Hi Harsha!
It will not ask for any login and password. I guess since the link is broken in the post u might have got confused.

Try this: