Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Mid-Term Fever

Before everyone of us started thinking about the term1 start and its subjects, half of the term already got over. Coming friday we have the mid term exams. Fortunately/unfortunately we have mid term exams for only 2 subjects (Eco and stats). Now all the 422 students joined the maggu club and the membership holds good until this friday evening. Now we started thinking the impact of assignments. Yes,Assignments do help us.

Statistics looks confusing or may be i am feeling so. People who don't know anything about statistics looks relaxed. People who know everything about stats also looks relaxed. People (like me) who knows certain concepts are in deeper trouble trying to figure out how to calculate p-value, what is the use of t-statistic and z-statistic. We are trying to figure out what to write the cheat sheet even :-D

Economics is too much of quantitative stuff mainly calculus. But the concepts are interesting. It is an open book exam. But just think, given just 90 minutes time, where the hell you get time to open the book and search for a problem. Here again the problem is, the more examples we work out the more confident we feel. But how to define "more examples". How many problems one need to work out. We statisticians deals only with numbers. :-D

Exams are very common here at ISB. Just imagine one's life with full of pre-reads, post-reads, assignments, club meetings, group meetings, backlogs, mid-term exams, end-term exams, parties, hangovers and last but not the least ..filling the excel sheets:-D. And all this just within a year (Huh!).I am pretty sure that everyone of us enjoys every moment at ISB.

After learning too much of statistics, I just feel like defining the null hypothesis about myself. Yeah! U heard right! It's about me.

H0: Anu doesn't know statistics -Null ypothesis
Ha: Anu knows statistics well. -Alternate hypothesis

Will let you guys know whether to accept/reject the null hypothesis after the mid term exam.

PS: Cheat sheet is the A4 size paper which will be allowed to take with us in the exam. You can write anything under the sky in that paper.


Anonymous said...

Great Read, Would you please
say about eco books you follow for this course, thanks

Anu said...

Are you the same who asked the details about Stats course?

Anonymous said...

If not, you wouldn't inform me or what ?

Anu said...

Nothing like that anonymous! Just curious why you wanted to know the details of the textbooks. How does it make any difference to you?

Anyways here are the details:-

We have the coursepack given for Eco. Apart from that we follow "Microeconomics for Managers" by Kreps

Anu said...

No Vivek!

I do not reject the null hypothesis.

Hope you remember Bob teaching us rejecting the null hypothesis doesn't mean that we are accepting the alternate hypothesis. It's just that we don't have enough information to reject the null hypothesis. :-D